“This is not a democracy here – it is a Monarchy!”  – Judge Judy

[Monarchy: “Undivided rule or absolute sovereignty by a single person”  merriam-webster.com]

Courtroom Sunshine, Inc. is a Courtroom Reform Advocacy group dedicated to shining sunlight into the courtrooms of Ohio. We do this by monitoring and reporting inappropriate or illegal activities within Ohio’s courtrooms.

We are not a lobbying effort or lobby group. Nor are we a radical revolutionary group. We truly love this Great Country and the State of Ohio, and believe that our Founding Fathers had the vision of how a democracy must operate.

We live in an incredible country, enjoying freedoms rarely known in history. However, we are losing these freedoms one-by-one, often in small, incremental and unnoticed steps.

Many of our rights are being chiseled away by legislative changes in our laws. But many more are being seized from us by our judges taking liberties with their “interpretations” of the laws. This is generally known as “Legislating from the Bench”. It is a judge blatantly ignoring the orders of our Legislators, as codified in Ohio law, or simply imposing their own biases in their rulings. Either way, their rulings could be found as “Abuse of Discretion”, not complying with the laws and facts of the case.

Ohio Congress has wisely realized that the public; the Taxpayers and Voters of Ohio, have the constitutional right to government records. The laws granting and clarifying these rights are known as the Open Records Acts, commonly known as the “Sunshine Laws”.

By employing major areas of Ohio laws, and associated professional codes and canons of ethics, the Voters and Taxpayers of Ohio have the power to monitor and hold our government agents accountable at all levels.

Some transgressions may only warrant “voting them out”. Other abuses will warrant full investigation and associated prosecution. The power is in our hands. They are our “Public Servants”.

Every one of us is now empowered to review our government agencies, public offices, and their agents in action by requesting copies of their work. It is truly an enlightening experience. However, the true power of this is when we enter the voting booth. Without casting our vote to “cast the unscrupulous agents out”, we will gain nothing by this unprecedented legal privilege, and


Take charge of your own life by taking charge of our elected officials. Do not ever forget; THEY WORK FOR US. Get involved: read the basics about Ohio’s Sunshine laws at the Attorney General website, spread the word to others through social media, and most importantly;


Remember; this is OUR great State, and the government employees, judges and all elected officials work for us. Hold them accountable.

Courtroom Sunshine requests public records, compiles statistics, and posts the results on this site, plus through many other social media and traditional media outlets. However, this is a huge task, and best handled by all of us. We give step-by-step instructions for how you can help this movement.

We can also lend assistance to help with your tasks and missions should you not have the time or training to pursue your project.

Lastly, consider donating your time to this cause. Your donation of time and labor will help to maintain this never-ending war on corruption, greed, and the resulting effects on our lives and families.

Be sure to Friend/Fan us on Facebook, and follow our latest news on Twitter.